Hold Please

I just wanted to ask you to please do me a favor… Okay… Take this time to pause for a second, inhale deeply, exhale deeply, and tell yourself that you love yourself. And mean it. C’mon, I don’t ask for much… Now, I hope that you receive the love and beautiful energetic hug that I am sending to you right now. You are doing an amazing job at living your life, and I stand in this moment and space to encourage you to keep on keeping on! You are awesome, and you make the world a better place.  

Whoop. Whoop.

I just needed to tell you that you are amazing. If you are reading this, then you are so spectacular that you make my teeth shine brighter because they reflect your splendid existence! You get a whoop whoop of joy from me! You get a whoop whoop of appreciation from me! Above all, you get a whoop whoop of acknowledgment from me.  I’m here, and I see you. I see you hustlin’ and grindin’ to make your life matter. I see you trying to figure out how to live your life to the best of your ability despite the critics and doubters who throw shade toward you. Mostly, I see that you are really hoping within your heart that the world will find its sense of balance again so that you don’t have to work so hard at being young and at peace. There’s too much going on in the world right now–too much chaos and not enough simplicity. I get it. I understand, and I cheer you on with a rousing WHOOP WHOOP!! You are the light. You bring the light of goodness and hope to everyone, and I love you so much. Enjoy your day, and make the most of it.

The Clapback

So, everyone is always talking about “the clapback” nowadays, and so now, I’m about to break something down for you… Clapbacks come as responses to some junk (whether true or false) that has been spewed from someone’s mind (via mouth or text), and they are meant to sting.  Regardless to whatever was originally said or written, the clapback is intended to snap in the person’s face as the end of the matter.  Even though they may be truthful responses, lemme let you in on a little secret… they need to be issued in love. **GASP!** <Lady faints.>  If you are ever forced to issue a clapback, I strongly encourage you to rise above the negativity of the situation.  Let your success be your clapback.  Let your shine be your calling card, and by all means, do not sink to the level of those who function in fear!  Lies, haterade, backbiting, and bullying all come from a fearful and negative place within one’s heart, and that is not who you are.  As always, yes, defend yourself; stand up for yourself, but don’t feel the need to fight fire with fire.  The adage goes, “If you argue with fools, you’ll lose because they have more practice.”  Never have truer words been said.  Remember that you are a lover and not a hater; you are amazing, and you make the world a better place just with your sheer existence!  Now, THAT deserves applause. =)

Master Creative

Guys and gals.  Young ladies and young gents.  Homeboys and homegurls.  Chicas y chicos…  I have said this before, but I had to get your attention so that you will really take what I’m about to say again to heart.  Okay.  Are you ready to receive this information and new, profound revelation (for those of you who’ve just stumbled upon Teenage Love)?  Do not–I repeat–DO NOT allow others to place you into an “acceptable” box.  The boxes will kill you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and then you’ll be buried in the box that was created for you!  Don’t allow people to label you or force you to be this or that.  Peer pressure is a tool of control, but fear is an even worse tool of destruction!  Don’t be afraid to be you!  You can be any and everything you want to be if that’s what’s in your heart, and you’re gifted to do and be so.

I can only speak for myself, but growing up I could do several things extremely well, and I didn’t know what to focus on because I could do everything with the same amount of greatness and skill.  The ability to exceptionally perform certain acts like singing, drawing, painting, writing, speaking in public, standing up for others (activism) just came naturally to me without effort.  I grew to learn that these are called gifts.  I could do these things and more, and so I had no problem within myself until I allowed others to dictate to me which one of these gifts were most acceptable to pursue for a “living” or to live a “productive” life.  That was when I hit inner turmoil because I wanted to be able to embrace all of my gifts and assets instead of just picking a couple to share with the world.  I grew into being ashamed of myself, and what was meant and created to be cherished and celebrated about me became a torture.  I WAS AFRAID TO BE AWESOME!  This pain haunted me for several years of my youth, until I decided NO MORE!  I said that I would not–and still won’t–fit into the box that others try to force me into because they have brainwashed themselves to fit into their own boxes!  As I have grown into a place of acceptance of my shine, I now have come to define myself as a master creative.

So, I now coin and own the phrase “Master Creative“.  This may be you, too!  Are you someone who has documented gifting in five or more fields of mastery??  Can you dance, act, are a math boss, bake like nobody’s business, AND have an outstanding ability to heal plants?  These are just examples, but you get what I’m saying.  BE YOU!!  Love the fact that you are a master creative, and BE masterly creative in your entire existence!  You don’t have to choose one gift over another!  You hold the master keys to several forms of communication.  You can assist others in communicating their truths of love, joy, light, or even pain, sorrow, and fear to the world so that it can transform lives.  This title will not apply to all of you, but hopefully it will inspire everyone to work toward honing the gifts or talents that you may have–whether the number of gifts is two or two hundred and two!  Your gifts will make room for us all as we work diligently in making the world a better place.  Be grateful that you have the breath of creation within you to change things for the positive.  Unconditionally love and honor the beauty that flows through you by sharing it in all that you do.

I had to share this message with you so that you will stop trying to fit into the old, boxed, and limiting mindsets predetermined for you.  Parents, family, teachers, and friends will all mean well in trying to get you to focus on certain aspects of yourself, and haters will always just plain old hate; just remember that you can still shine as the star you are!  May no one bully you into a box.

I love you, and I wish you all of the luck in the world as you roll into the end of this semester.  Be proud of yourself because I sure am.  XOXOXOXO

Get Up, Stand Up

Remember way back in the day when I strrrongly encouraged you to select a cause to support with your help???…  Well, now is the time to really do that if you haven’t already!  I think that I suggested that you volunteer for something so that you could have it for your college-prep resume (and to get you to think outside of your insulated box), but at this point in time THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!  Goodness for goodness’ sake needs you.  Humanity needs you.  The low frequency energy vibes of the planet need you.  Desperately.  Now is the exact time to get up, stand up for what you believe in, and you are the exact person to do it because you care.  You care for your cause.  You actually want your cause to help the globe.  You believe in making the world a better place, and you truly understand that there is no better way to do that than through standing up for what you hold close to your heart.  You already know that I have full faith in you to accomplish this challenge.  You also know that I would not have mentioned this in this conversation between friends had it not been important.  So, go do what you have to do to project LOVE, light, peace, joy, freedom of spirit as well as freedom of thought into your home, school, community, town, state, country, and hemisphere.  When you take a stand for your cause, others will see the flame of your torch and become moths to the fire of unconditional love and passion, too.  May the Force be with you!… I had to throw that in there…

Head Up

New year… new “YIKES!” to overcome.  So, head up.  Chest out.  Heart clear.  Mind open.  Best foot forward.  Old school translation… Be confident in the knowledge that you can do anything that you set your mind to accomplish, so do your best to be your best.  Love yourself.  Value yourself, and SHINE like the star you are!  Lemme run that hook back, SHINE LIKE THE STAR YOU ARE.

I love you, Teenage Lovers!!  Thank you for being amazingly loyal to this blogsite for three years and counting…  Share and share and shhhhare the love.

It Really Doesn’t Matter

Pessimistic words hurt.  Hateful words hurt.  Ignorant words hurt.  That’s why you have to know and love yourself so that you can have a shield.  The junk that people say doesn’t really matter in the long run as long as you know who you are.  Love yourself so much that even if no one else ever says anything kind, sweet, or loving to you that you will survive.  Build your love wall of protection so strongly around your heart, mind, and spirit that the negative words of others will only fall from you like deflected arrows.  Your love shield should consist of the knowledge that you are amazing.  You are brilliant.  You are gifted and talented in areas that are only specific to your fingerprint and tilt of head.  You have made it through every previous breath of your life, and you still push on with anticipation of the breaths to come.  The light within you is splendid and magical.  These facts are building blocks for your shield.  Add on more detailed love blocks as you encounter different experiences of life.  Examples… I am the bomb at doing a left-handed hook-shot… I am so incredible at interpreting my sisters to my mom so they don’t get grounded… I am really good at being nice to the janitor when my friends are not always so thoughtful and respectful to him/her…  I feel good about myself because there’s no one like me…  I like me.  I LOVE ME!  Yep.  These examples may seem corny, but they are important things for you to acknowledge!  No one ever explains this process to individuals as they progress through life, so they feel helpless and worthless–not you.  You are informed.  You are reading this post right now at the most perfect time for you to read this… people do not and will not ever fully understand your worth–your inherent and absolutely priceless value–so do not expect them to do so.  In the end, the words, the actions–the whole circus–is irrelevant to your capabilities of dazzling and making the world a better place.  Now that matters.  Go be great!  MUAH!!  ❤

Finish Your Exam

Heya!  How’s it going so far?  I know that it’s going, but I mean how’s it realllly going?  I hope that you are not super swamped yet.  I also hope that if you are super swamped, that you remember this one little concept… finish your exam.  When I taught school, the one thing that I would tell my students before and during tests or exams would be to finish their exams.  I would keep them on task, encourage them, but most important, I would reiterate the importance of finishing their exams.  The students oftentimes had a bad habit of seeing others rush through the process and turn in exams and feel discouraged or pressured, but what they wouldn’t know was that some of those rushed test answers were incomplete; some of the grades were straight garbage, and some of the students hadn’t even finished!  They just wanted to put on a show to hide what they didn’t know.  You see, my repetition of saying that phrase before every quiz, text, or exam was that I did want them to actually complete what was placed before them, but the overall message was that they needed not to be concerned with anyone else’s progress because they really needed to be focused on their own progress.  It doesn’t matter how fast people finish their exams–it doesn’t matter what and how other students are doing so far, nor how swamped you are… just do the absolute best that you can. Take each day (class, task, assignment, issue, problem, situation–good or bad) as it comes; let your light shine; allow others’ lights to shine; treat them as you would want to be treated, and please believe in yourself. Above all… stay focused, and finish your exam.

Back at It

Where did the summer break go??  It ditched us like a tight pair of shoes!!  Yikes!  So, here’s the annual pep talk… You got this.  Love yourself, and the validation of others won’t matter.  Real talk.  I’m about to sound my age, but Instasnapbooksapper “followers” and their opinions DON’T MEAN ANYTHING!  Do you hear me?!?  The people who “like” you one day will turn on you the next, so LOVE YOURSELF, and SLAY this school year!  Show it (and others) just exactly who’s the boss of your life and happiness.  Your parents love you; your family supports you; your teachers genuinely want you to succeed.  As the old adage goes, “To be forewarned is to be forearmed.”… I’ve told you the secret of success–head up and believe in your personal style and insight, and that, my friends, will give you the advantage that your followers and peers will not see coming.  Use your “secret power” for good; treat others as you’d like to be treated, and watch the magic unfold.  You know what you have to do, so do it with gusto; you are highly capable of accomplishing your goals of being the you that you imagine in your mind.  Thumbs UP to you for this school year!!

Enjoy the Summer

Heya!  You did it!  You survived the school year, and now you need to relax.  I’ve told you before to remember to chill a bit, but now I’m saying it again.  You worked reeeallllly hard during the majority of the months of the year, and the time has come for you to sit back and unclench your knuckles.  Summer vacay and chill… Yep.  Well, nope–not like that!  I’m not implying that you get into antics, but enjoy your free time–even if you have a job.  If you have a seasonal job, make sure that your duty hours are reasonable; you have plenty of time to join the workforce full-time.  Appreciate your break from classes, and have fun!  You deserve it.